3DPTM Principal Investigators

Hongbin Li

3DPTM Program Director and Professor

Department of Chemistry, University of British Columbia

Research Interests: Single molecule biophysical chemistry, biomaterials, polymer chemistry, biological chemistry

Email: hongbin@chem.ubc.ca

Group Website: https://www.chem.ubc.ca/hongbin-li

Mohsen Akbari

Associate Professor, Department of Mechanical Engineering, University of Victoria

Affiliated Professor, School of Biomedical Engineering, University of British Columbia

Research Interests: Tissue engineering, disease modelling, 3D bioprinting, Organs on-a-chip, Drug delivery

Email: makbari@uvic.ca

Group Website: https://makbari-lime.weebly.com/ & https://scholar.google.com/citations?hl=en&user=tQxGunEAAAAJ&view_op=list_works&sortby=pubdate

Karen Cheung


School of Biomedical Engineering, Department of Electrical & Computer Engineering, University of British Columbia

Research Interests: Microfluidics, organs-on-chip, inkjet bioprinting, silicon photonic biosensors, tissue engineering

Email: Kcheung@ece.ubc.ca

Group Website: https://ece.ubc.ca/karen-cheung/

Hsi-Yung (Steve) Feng


Department of Mechanical Engineering, University of British Columbia

Research Interests: Computer-aided design and manufacturing, CNC machining, computational tools for 3D printing, wire-arc additive manufacturing

Email: feng@mech.ubc.ca

Group Website: https://mech.ubc.ca/hsi-yung-steve-feng/

Mina Hoorfar

Professor and Dean

Faculty of Engineering and Computer Science, University of Victoria

Research Interests: Microfluidics, lab-on-chip, artificial olfaction, breath analysis, micro/nano-encapsulation, nanostructured gas sensors

Email: engrdean@uvic.ca, mhoorfar@uvic.ca

Group Website: https://www.minagroup.ca

Xiaoliang Jin

Associate Professor

Department of Mechanical Engineering, University of British Columbia

Research Interests: Mechanics and dynamics in machining processes; machining of high-strength metallic components; machining of composite materials; hybrid additive and machining processes.

Email: xjin@mech.ubc.ca

Group Website: https://mech.ubc.ca/xiaoliang-jin/

Mark MacLachlan

Professor & Canada Research Chair in Supramolecular Materials

Department of Chemistry, University of British Columbia

Research Interests: Supramolecular chemistry, materials chemistry, nanomaterials, photonic materials, cellulose nanocrystals, macrocycles

Email: mmaclach@chem.ubc.ca

Group Website: https://groups.chem.ubc.ca/maclachlan/

Hannah Turner

Assistant Professor

School of Information, University of British Columbia

Research Interests: Material culture, information studies, documentation and new technologies

Email: Hannah.turner@ubc.ca

Group Website: http://www.Hannahturner.ca

Rizhi Wang


Department of Materials Engineering/School of Biomedical Engineering, University of British Columbia

Research Interests: Orthopaedic implants; Surfaces and Interfaces; Bone structure and hip fracture; Osteoporosis and bone metastasis.

Email: rzwang@mail.ubc.ca

Group Website: https://biomaterials.mtrl.ubc.ca/

Stephanie Willerth

Professor and Canada Research Chair in Biomedical Engineering – Department of Mechanical Engineering and Division of Medical Sciences, University of Victoria

Affiliate ProfessorSchool of Biomedical Engineering University of British Columbia

Research Interests: 3D bioprinting, bioinks, stem cells, Alzheimer’s disease

Email: willerth@uvic.ca

Group Website: https://www.engr.uvic.ca/~willerth/

Michael Wolf

Professor and Department Head, Department of Chemistry, University of British Columbia

Research Interests: Photochemistry and photophysics of organic, inorganic and polymeric materials and compounds

Email: mwolf@chem.ubc.ca

Group Website: https://www.wolf.chem.ubc.ca/