3DPTM Trainees Participate in Outreach Activities!

UBC 3DPTM student trainees demonstrated to Greater Vancouver Regional Science Fair students how 3D printing works while UVIC student trainees showcased their 3DPTM work at the Bioprinting Day: Poster Session at UVIC. UBC 3DPTM Student Trainees participating in the Greater Vancouver Regional Science Fair at UBC. UVIC 3DPTM Student Trainees participating in Bioprinting Day: Poster […]

3DPTM Program Invites Applications for our 3rd Cohort!

We encourage applications from all individuals regardless of their race, religion, gender identity, national origin, socioeconomic, or disability status. Please visit our “how to apply page” to learn more.

Design of Experiments Workshop

We’d like to give a big thank you to Joel Kelly (E-One Moli Energy) for providing an Introduction to Design of Experiments (DOE) workshop to our 3DPTM trainees last Friday!